Güney Doğal Gaz


GDG A.Ş. is a corporation of İsmail Parlak Companies Group which was founded in 1987 in Niğde, Kemerhisar region to produce natural carbon dioxide gas. The activity of GDG A.Ş. which was founded totally by own capital is to produce and stock natural carbon dioxide gas and distribute it to its agencies inside and outside the country.

     The capacity of the facility is 5000 kg/h, the stocking capacity is 500 tons. Our production is above the standards of TSE and Food Production in our facility which was imported totally from abroad. The situation seen at the exports abroad is also above the European food regulations. The reason of this is the production is made only in our company in Turkey totally form nature and without any need for chemical refining or decomposition.

    As known, the purity of our gas is registered officially by the tests done by TSE, METU (Middle East Technical University), İstanbul University, and Atlantic Laboratory as 99.999%. This is the most important property requested by the Ministry of Health at the sector of Food and Drinks. In these days that we struggle for the European Union, our government which made laws for the European Union, has made new laws related to carbon dioxide gas.

     According to this, carbon dioxide gas is divided into two groups. These are also divided into sub units. Below, the groups are expressed according to the purity values;


 1) The one used in the Food Industry (TS 11336)

  •           The purity value of the Carbon Dioxide Gas should be at least 99.9%.

 2) The one used in the Liquid Industry (TS 2603)

  •           The one used as reactive, (the purity of CO2 should be > 99.9%)
  •           The one used in welding, (the purity of CO2 should be > 99.7%)
  •           The one used in other industries, (the purity of CO2 should be > 99.7%). (Fire extinguisher)

   The aim of this classification is to protect you as employers and consumers from the harms of gases of insufficient purity and to make you conscious. To make your choice according to your purpose of usage and to examine the chemical analysis document of the gas you purchase which should be made by TSE every year is definitely required. Especially the beverages and drinks sector should be more careful about this matter. This chemical analysis can be made in Turkey only at the PAL laboratories of METU which TSE accepts. By the Digital Gas Chromatography Device that we added to our own laboratory in 2008, we analyze the Natural Carbon Dioxide gas instantly and we give the analysis results to our customers with the delivery.

    We feel sorry for the fact that TSE, which should make every kind of inspection, does not have these analysis devices, unfortunately. This fact encourages the people who import the CO2 gas from the old Eastern Block countries with the purity of 90-94% and who take advantage of the fact that our customs do not have analysis devices and who also get CO2 from the poisonous chimney gases of the factories.

     We ask you to say stop to these companies which sell not qualified and harmful gas to us when the whole world seeks for 99.7% purity even at fire extinguishers (it is seen at the TSE documents in the addition) because the purity of the used gas is related directly with the lifetime of the product. Thus, the higher the purity of the CO2 gas, the longer lifetime because bacteria reproduction will get more difficult. The purpose of the CO2 gas used at the food sector is this.

     Finally, with the support and contribution of you the industrialists and businessmen, the GDG Corporation will continue to be a balance in price and quality at the market of CO2 gas towards the other companies.            


     With our best wishes,

    Güney Doğal Gaz A.Ş.  

Our Facility

  • Güney Doğal Gaz Üretim Tesisi
  • Güney Doğal Gaz Üretim Tesisi
  • Güney Doğal Gaz Üretim Tesisi
  • Güney Doğal Gaz Üretim Tesisi
  • Güney Doğal Gaz Üretim Tesisi
  • Güney Doğal Gaz Üretim Tesisi